
I am a transfer student. 在我把成绩单寄给注册中心并开始注册课程后,我该做什么?

Once you send your transcript to the registrar, they will upload your accepted credits onto Falcon Landing. 一旦这个过程完成,我们将为您制定学习计划并帮助您制定时间表.


My classification is a second semester sophomore. Do I still go to my Student Success Coach or my major advisor?

是的! We help students who have 59 credit hours or less. If you are a transfer, depending on the number of credit hours and the school your major is in, you may go to your major advisor. Always consult with a Student Success Coach first if you have any questions.

How do I find out who is my advisor for my major?

确定你的导师的最简单的方法是登录分网站并进入我们的建议网页. 下的建议员工’, you will see your school and major. 或者你可以到位于Delany二楼的学生成功中心.


When/How often should I meet with my advisor?

我们鼓励你经常与你的导师见面,因为他/她是最可靠的信息来源, 规划, 以及对你的支持. 你应该与你的学术顾问见面的频率取决于你的学术目标, your program of study, and your individual needs. 然而, here are some general guidelines to consider:

  1. At the Beginning of Each Semester: 在每学期开始的时候与你的学术顾问见面,讨论你的课程选择和该学期的学术目标,这是一个好主意. 这可以帮助确保你走上正轨,选择正确的课程来满足你的学位要求.
  2. During Major Transitions: 当你在学业里程碑之间过渡时,你绝对应该见见你的导师, such as choosing a major, 或者声明未成年人.
  3. When You Have Questions or Concerns: If you have any questions or concerns about your academic progress, 选课, or any other aspect of your education, don’t hesitate to reach out to your advisor. They are there to provide guidance and support.
  4. Regularly Scheduled Check-Ins: Some academic advisors may have a recommended schedule for check-in meetings. 例如, 他们可能会建议你一学期见一到两次,跟踪你的进步,讨论你的长期学业和职业目标.
  5. 根据需要: 除了上述,你应该随时安排会议与你的导师需要. If you’re facing 学术挑战, personal difficulties that are affecting your studies, or if you have a change in your goals or interests, it’s a good time to seek their guidance.

记住,你的学术顾问会帮助你在学业上取得成功,并为你的教育做出明智的决定. 会议的频率取决于你的舒适程度和具体需求, so don’t hesitate to reach out whenever you feel it’s necessary. 在面对面的会议之间,通过电子邮件或其他形式的交流与你的导师保持开放的沟通也是一个很好的做法.

How do I schedule an appointment with my advisor?

It’s easy to schedule an appointment with your advisor. 点击 在这里 to schedule an appointment with your advisor now! 你也可以通过电子邮件或电话联系你的导师,为你们双方安排一个方便的时间. Drop-in visits are fine, 但是安排一个约会可以确保你的指导老师没有在开会或和其他学生在一起. Your advisor is located in the Academic Advising Center in upstairs Delany. 要找到他们的办公室,您可以访问他/她的咨询页面获取联系信息.


How do I come prepared for my appointment with my advisor?

准备与你的学术顾问会面是必不可少的,以确保你充分利用你们在一起的时间,并得到你需要的指导. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to prepare for your meeting:

  • Show up to the meeting on time and be respectful of your advisor’s time. If you need to reschedule, provide ample notice.
  • Be open to your advisor’s recommendations and suggestions. They have experience and insights that can help you make informed decisions.
  • Identify your academic and career goals.
    • Are you working toward a specific major, minor, or career path?
    • Do you have questions about your academic progress or course choices?

Also consider any long-term objectives, such as graduation timelines, 实习, study abroad programs, or graduate school plans.

  • If you have any questions, concerns or topics you’d like to discuss with your advisor, 写一张清单. This might include questions about 选课, 学位要求, 学术挑战, or opportunities for research or extracurricular involvement.
  • If your advisor has previously provided recommendations or advice, review those materials before the meeting. This can help you follow up on previous discussions.


How do I change my major?

换专业是一个必须先和你的导师谈谈的过程! 首先与你的指导老师见面,以获得有关转到另一个专业的最新信息,以及新专业中适当联系人的姓名,这是非常必要的. 同时也要确保你达到了转到你选择的新专业的要求.

Before meeting with your advisor to discuss a change in major, you should research your planned major. 最好从专业或系的网站开始(你可以使用分主页上的搜索功能找到).

How many classes should I take a semester?

At Saint Augustine’s University, 我们力争学生每学期入读15个学分,达到“15到结束”. “15到完成”计划是一个全面的策略,鼓励学生每学期注册15个学分, aiming to facilitate on-time graduation. 如果你保持这个速度,你可以在一个标准的时间框架内完成你的学位(学士学位通常是四年). 非全日制注册通常定义为每学期少于12个学分.

在学业上挑战自己和确保学业成功之间找到平衡是很重要的. 过多的学分会让你精疲力竭,对你的学习成绩产生负面影响. On the other hand, taking too few credit hours may prolong your time in school. 最终,正确的学时数将取决于你的独特情况.

How do I make changes to my schedule (add or drop a course)?

在注册期间,您对时间表的任何更改都应首先与您的指导老师讨论,以确保这些更改不会对您的学位进度产生负面影响. After talking with your advisor, 您的指导老师将填写添加/删除表格,然后您将表格发送到注册办公室完成最后的步骤. Usually the add/drop process is the first week of school.


Why do I have to meet with my advisor to add or drop a course?

Academic advisors help provide guidance and support to students. When you want to drop a course, they can help you assess the potential consequences for your academic progress, such as how it might impact your degree completion timeline, 金融援助, or prerequisites for other courses.

What do I do if I am failing a course?

一旦你意识到你可能遇到麻烦,你应该尽快和你的学术顾问谈谈. 学术顾问是最基本的一层支持,可以和你一起制定一些策略来提高你的学术地位,并帮助你在校园找到合适的资源. 然而, the longer you wait to talk with your advisor, the more difficult it will be for him/her to help you.

Your instructor can also be a great resource. 预约或者到你的指导老师的办公室去,讨论一下你能做些什么来提高你的成绩. 你的教练可以提供个性化的信息,告诉你如何提高你的技能和对主题的理解. 这也向老师表明你关心自己的成绩和在课堂上的进步.

How do I withdraw from a course?

After the add/drop period, you will not be able to drop a course but instead, withdraw from the course. It is very similar to the add/drop process, 在退课期间,你对课程表所做的任何改变都应该首先与你的导师讨论,以确保这些改变不会对你的学位进展产生负面影响. After talking with your advisor, 您的指导老师将填写退出表格,然后您将表格发送到注册办公室完成最后的步骤.

请注意: 你只能得到 八个 (8) course withdraws your entire time at Saint Augustine’s University.